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Welcome to the AGU Hydrology Section Awards and Lectures submission and review site!

Nominations for the first round of the Hydrology Section awards will run from January 3rd to February 28th at 23:59 EDT. 

  • Late/incomplete nominations will not be accepted
  • All required materials must be submitted through the online submission platform
    • Materials sent outside of the submission platform will not be accepted
  • We recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to access the online nomination platform

If you have questions or if you encounter technical issues with the submission platform, please contact us at agu_honors@agu.org

Nomination Process:

The Hydrology Section has adopted a two-round process for its section awards and lectures to allow a more flexible, open and efficient development of the section’s talent pool. Nomination package requirements for the first round include: 

  1. Nomination letter (required), no more than two pages in length, stressing the nominee’s qualifications to meet the selection criteria and qualifications as stated in the award description. The nomination letter must also list at least three potential writers of letters of support.
  2. Curriculum vitae (required), no more than two pages in length, and containing the following information as a minimum: name, mailing and email address; history of employment; degrees; research experience; honors; memberships; service to the community through committee work; advisory boards, etc.
  3. Selected Bibliography (optional), no more than two pages in length, should briefly state the total number and types of publications; specify the number published in AGU publications. For example: “Jane Doe is the author of 92 publications, 86 in peer-reviewed scientific journals, 14 of which have been published in AGU journals and books. The following selected list best supports Jane’s nomination for AGU [insert name of Hydrology award/lecture].”

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are self-nominations permitted?
    • No, self-nominations are not accepted. 
  • Are co-nominators allowed?
    • Yes, one primary nominator and one co-nominator are allowed per nomination.
  • Are co-supporters allowed? 
    • No, co-supporters are not accepted for letters of support. Letters of support may only be signed by one person.
  • What happens if there are mulitple nominations for a single candidate?
    • Two or more nominations for a single candidate for a given award will NOT be considered. If separate packages are received, the nominators will be asked to combine them. 
  • Does AGU accept posthumous nominations?
    • No, posthumous nominations are not allowed but will be considered if the nomination was submitted when the nominee was still alive.